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JustFaith Crossing Borders [St. Thomas More Student Parish, Kalamazoo, MI]

Mon, 11/13

JustFaith Crossing Borders
Crossing Borders is an introductory study that covers the following topics:  the contemporary debate and public policy, the history of migration, the Bible and migration, foundations of migration-root causes, migration and Christian social teaching, slavery in America (including human trafficking), the human face of the migrant, and theology of migration. It will run Mondays, 6:45-9:15 p.m.from Sept. 25 through Nov. 13 at St. Thomas More Student Parish. Cost is $20. Contact Norman Young269.324.6199Janine Smith269.279.2736; or Barb Ogrin269.870.5369.

St. Thomas More Parish
 421 Monroe St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006

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