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Cross Catholic Outreach Food Packing event [Holy Redeemer, Jenison, MI]
Sat, 4/20
To assist those around the world that are in need, especially food, the Cross Catholic Outreach program was created. The Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus has encouraged the local councils and their members to become involved by hosting Diocesan-wide food packing events.
The Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Diocese Catholic Food Packing event is Saturday April 20, 2024, from 8 AM to Noon at Holy Redeemer Parish Gym, located at 2700 Baldwin, Jenison, MI 49428. With your help up to 60,000 meals can be packed and sent to families in starving areas around the world. Consider volunteering with this great program. Bring your council members and their families making this a fun event. Contact State Director Garret Kelenske @ 231-571-5617 or just show up. More
info on our website - If you are unable to attend donations can be made by contacting Garrett.