New Opportunities to Support HFR

Dear Holy Family Radio Supporters

We must continue to investigate alternative ways to keep this station financially solid.  We desire to have this radio station continue long after our stewardship has expired.  We have a unique opportunity to add to our website a unique app,  This app will allow anyone listening to our station to use the app and create a FREE WILL and the manufacturer of this app “guarantees” Holy Family Radio a great return because it will encourage people to leave a portion of their will to our station.

The cost for this app is $5000, and the person who can support the amount necessary for this app will receive recognition as a sponsor throughout the months. We are a 501(c)(3),  so if possible, underwrite this endeavor as tax deductible, according to your tax advisor.

Please prayerfully discern if this is something you can support or perhaps you know someone who can.  Please contact Deacon Jim Thorndill to discuss any potential.

Deacon Jim