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Awareness, Gratitude, and Imagination: An Ignatian Writing Day for a Healthy Soul with Vinita Wright

Fri, 10/13 Sat, 10/14

Awareness, Gratitude, and Imagination: An Ignatian Writing Day for a Healthy Soul with Vinita Wright will be offered at the Lowell Campus on October 13 - October 14.
Through a variety of writing exercises, group discussion, silence, movement, and time alone, participants will experience sharpened awareness of God’s presence in daily life. They will explore multiple aspects of gratitude and use imagination as a prayer, and a playful way to ask, “What’s next?”
Vinita Hampton Wright is the author of numerous books, including Days of Deepening Friendship, The Soul Tells a Story, The Art of Spiritual Writing, and the novel Dwelling Places.
Cost: $240 includes presentations, room and food.  Please go to  to register.

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