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Irish Tea with Fr. G []

Tue, 3/13

Irish Tea with Fr. G

Stories of the Celtic Soul Friends: Their Meaning for Today

Tuesday, March 13, 7-8:30pm

With Fr. John Geaney, CSP

"Anyone without a soul friend is like a body without a head," St. Brigit once said. What was true for Brigit in fifth century Ireland is all the more true for us in our complex modern world. Join Fr. Geaney for Irish tea and scones as he shares the stories of the four leaders of the early Celtic church--St. Patrick, St. Brigit, St. Columcille, and St. Coman of Land Ela—who demonstrate the idea of the "soul friend" or spiritual mentor for our own faith, lives, and work.  CFD:  Evangelization   ($10 donation requested)

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