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Men's Summer Retreat [Life Process Center, Lowell, MI]
Wed, 7/18
Men's Summer Retreat
July 18 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Franciscan LIfe Process Center - Lowell Campus
11650 Downes St. NE Lowell
Men of the Diocese of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo are invited to the Lowell Campus of the Franciscan Life Process Center for a one day retreat. Msgr. Gus Ancona will offer reflections on Jesus as the greatest of teachers based on St. Matthew’s Gospel. The day includes conferences and discussions, meditation and prayer, Rosary, Confession and Mass. Carpooling from Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish (IHM) in Grand Rapids has been arranged if needed (leaving at 8:00 AM sharp). Cost:$60 but no one will be turned away for inability to pay (please call 616-8979-7842 for details.
Phone: 616-897-7842 for more information and registration