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Discovering Our Deepest Desire [St. Mary's Visitation Parish, Byron Center]
Sun, 4/1
Discovering Our Deepest Desire
Event Date/Time:
Date: Sundays, 01/14/18 - 04/01/18
Time: from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Event Location Information:
St. Mary's Visitation Parish Community Center
Address:2459 146th Ave.
Byron Center, MI 49315
More Information:
Phone: 616-681-9701
Additional Event Details:
Discovering our Deepest Desire is a 12-week program designed for both Marriage Preparation and Marriage Enrichment. Engaged and married couples alike will be journeying through the program side-by-side to prepare for or strengthen the Sacramental bond that unites them in mind and heart, body and soul. Incorporating both a strong spiritual formation centered on Jesus Christ, and expert knowledge from several different professional fields including psychology, biology, theology of the body, etc... this program will help you to develop the practical skills you and your fiance/spouse need to grow closer to Jesus Christ together, to effectively communicate and solve real-life issues, to heal from past hurts, and to more fully, deeply, and intimately love each other. The first Courses begin on Sunday, January 14th and run through April 1st, however it is designed so that you and your fiance/spouse may jump into the Program at any time after January 14th if you cannot begin that early. Sessions are held in the St. Mary's Visitation Community Center after the 11:00 am Mass and always begin with a free meal provided by the Parish.